The Laboratory of Water Chemistry from the Department of Hydrology and Geo-environmental Sciences can analyse the most important anorganic and organic compounds in water. The standard analysis includes pH, EC, HCO3, Cl, NH4, NO2, PO4, SO4, N-tot, NO3, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Al, Si and Sr. Additional elements can also be analysed upon request.
Laboratory facilities include:
Water sample analysis can include main cations (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Si, Al), main anions (Cl, NO3, NO2, SO4) and trace elements (As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, In, Li, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, Th, Tl, V, Zn, Eu, Ho, La, Sc, Yb).
Extensive collaboration exists with other laboratories within the Department of Earth Sciences
and elsewhere to provide additional chemical analytical facilities, as well as stable isotope analyses.Last modified: Wed Sep 2 17:09:43 CEST 2015